critical crack length

英 [ˈkrɪtɪkl kræk leŋθ] 美 [ˈkrɪtɪkl kræk leŋθ]

网络  临界裂缝长度; 临界裂纹长度



  1. The structure integrity of HK40 reformer tube is studied in respect of the controlling parameter of creep crack growth, the critical crack length and the residual life.
  2. The theoretical deduction shows that the critical stress of crack propagation and critical crack length deduced from nonlocal theory are much greater than those deduced from LEFM.
  3. The tests also showed that in the presence of MSD, the residual strength of the structure, critical crack length and even crack propagation life are greatly reduced in comparison with the isolated cracks considered by the current damage tolerance requirements.
  4. The critical crack length is calculated in terms of damage fraction.
  5. Experimental research and theoretical analysis of critical load selection, difference between specimens with and without fatigue crack, and crack length and width effects were carried out.
  6. The concrete equivalent critical crack length a_c is affected by different factor; each factor's affection is analyzed.
  7. This paper provides reliability analysis based on different stability analysis theory and calculates the critical crack length of an engineering example as a reverse problem to stability analysis.
  8. Using the cracks at the bottom of firtree slots of the first stage turbine disk in an existing engine as an example, by means of the breakdown test and elaborate theoretical calculation, the criterion and the solution algorithm to determine the critical crack length aic are provided.
  9. Estimation of Critical Crack Length and Residual Life of ⅰ-ⅲ Composite Crack
  10. Research on the Critical Crack Length in the Rear Arc Notches of the Canopy Glass of the Fighter
  11. Also, the test data show the less effects of various corrosive environments on critical crack length, that is, no direct influence of corrosive environments on residual strength capability dominated by fracture toughness.
  12. The Determination of Critical Crack Length of Pressure Piping with Circumferential Defects
  13. Reliability analysis of LBB stability and calculation of critical crack length
  14. It is shown that the energy rate integral C is the controlling parameter, The critical crack length has been calculated in terms of damage fraction.
  15. Applying the two methods to calculate the equivalent critical crack length a_c separately, it is showed that the difference of a_c calculated by the two methods is very little.
  16. Mixing speed in concrete has no effects on the critical effective crack length. The elastic modulus values which calculated by empirical formula and the experimental values have very good agreement degrees. 4.
  17. The critical temperature and residual strength of the material are decreased with the increase of sample thickness and initial crack length. The study reveals those factors influencing the thermal shock behavior of the material.
  18. With higher pre-stretch, the fracture toughness decreases, and critical crack length decreases a little.
  19. Analysis the critical crack size of crack model. According to the loading in finite element, empirical formula to calculate the stress intensity factor is fitted by stress and stress intensity factor simulated, the length of the crack and the change of Angle curve.